3 things I look for thrifting



This piece was an someone’s personal painting they duplicating from very famous painting

Some things are a hard no for me when I go thrifting or antique shopping. Those include beds, pillows, personal items (underwear), etc.

However there a a few things I will ALWAYS look for when I thrift!


I put most of my potted plants in second hand ceramics

  1. Pottery & ceramics- I find SO many cool pottery items that I use as accent pieces to decorate, to pot plants in, and (if they are safe to eat from) ceramic pieces for my kitchen. I actually have a ton of pieces that I think kids or adults created them as a fun art project and later got rid of them by donating them to their local thrift store.

  2. Frames & Art- These can be hard to find but when you do it’s like hitting the jackpot!!!! I’ve see so many cool, old, and unique pieces especially at antique stores. They a can be a little harder to find second hand stores. Sometimes I’ll just buy the frame and repaint over the painting. Custom framing can be epensive.

  3. Baskets- I find tons of baskets wherever I go. I swear every thrift store has some!

The key to truly making the most out of thrifting/antiques is being super edited on what you bring home! Unless your item has a specific place in your house it’s best not to make the purchase.


Simple Watercolor Easter Eggs


My favorite clean fragrance